Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bean Salad

"Bean Salad"

  • 2x cans of beans (black, white or red)
  • 1x celery stick
  • 1/2 a bell pepper (green or red)
  • 1x tomato
  • 1x corn
  • 2x tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2x teaspoons of oregano
  • Salt to taste
What now?
  • Drain and clean the beans with water, then put them in a large bowl. Chop the celery stick, pepper and the tomato, mix them all together with the beans.
  • The corn can be either cooked in boiled water or grilled. With a knife spread the corn on top of the salad. Finally add the olive oil and the oregano.
Bon appetit!!

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